About Me

Hi, I am a mum and a teacher and during this strange and uncertain times, I will be home with a 7, 4 and 2 year old. I teach 2 days a week at a Catholic Primary School. I thought i would start a blog to share some activities I will do with my kids as well as some advice wearing my teacher hat. Will I be going crazy at home with my children? Yes, but this is also a chance to bond with them and reassure them that they are loved and we will all be ok! As a teacher, normally when there is something big going on in the world, we are with our students, helping and guiding them as well as offering routine and stability. I think the fact that we aren't with our students during this time is the reason so many teachers are offering assistance and help to anyone they can. Please feel free to use anything on this Blog. i am by no means an expert or guru and a lot of the ideas and activities are not mine but have been shared with me by excellent, hard working teachers or fantastic, loving and real mothers.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

I let them get bored!

Something I always believed in but needed reminding of at this time. I have been doing lots of activities with my kids, but I think it is important to let them get bored and allow their imagination and creativity show.

For Mr I, this is hard are he likes structure, routine and knowing what comes next!

For Miss A it gives her a chance to express her creativity.

She asked if she could make a rainbow out of beads. The result was a rainbow with clouds and sky!

The boxes I brought the shopping home in were quickly turned into 2 school buses for her toys, complete with number plates!

Mr I was super excited about completing his jigsaw puzzles and I got some work done! A good day all round.

Mr I asked to also make a bead creation but needed ideas so we searched 'Minecraft Bead Creations' on Google and this was the result. 

He also asked me if I could draw dinosaurs and got cross when i suggested he have a go. He needs to know what it will look like in the end. So I thought we would use the shadow drawing activity I saw on Facebok. Simply place your animals in front of a sunny window and trace the shadow.

We also love colouring in at this house and today we coloured with a difference! Coloring with nail palish! Now I'm hiding it so they don't do it unsupervised!

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