Lego Maths
Mr I's teachers have sent detail and easy to follow planners throughout the first week of remote learning. We haven't got through everything but to keep him engaged I have adapted some of his lessons. I found this excellent website of ideas for using Lego to teach Mathematics. They have some good ideas for our kinder children too.
Make the first half of a pattern and have your child complete it. Maths is full of patterns.
Speaking of patterns. Write skip counting patterns on Lego blocks and have children break them apart and put them back together in the correct order.
The same activity can be done with the numbers 1 to 20 for younger children.
Any activity the requires a number line such as working out addition and subtraction equations can be done on this number line.
Lastly, place value is a really tricky concept. We used Lego. When you get to 10 blocks, you join them and move the tower to the tens column. Then record the number of 10s and 1s.
More activities can be found at
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